Sunday, 22 May 2011

Lennie's Self-Determination Issue?

      "The highest manifestation of life consists of this: that a being governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of another is somewhat a dead thing." (St. Thomas Aquinas). St. Thomas Aquinas was referring to the freedom of self government, to control your own life with your own voice. He was referring to self-determination. A luxury many, including those with a mental disability, are deprived of.

Self-determination is a beautiful right to every citizen of the world, especially those with mental retardation. We must all learn to respect this ideal.
      Wehmyer (2000) explains self-determination as a term adopted from the political sciences. The term relates to the idea of one's own determined fate, without other influence by the surrounding environment. He says: "The earliest conceptualizations of personality literature used the term self-determination as it related to the determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion."
     The process which lead to the realization of the issue of lack of self-determination among the mentally retarded, dates back to the start of the 20th century, in which the mentally retarded were, of course, believed to be sub-human and feeble-minded. Consequently this concept lead to the belief that the mentally retarded had the thinking capability of a toddler. These citizens were expected not to be capable of employment, independence, and of course, making their own decisions (Michael Wehmyer, 2000). As a result, the mentally retarded had been deprived of the right to self governance. The lack of self-determination among the mentally retarded citizens remained an issue until as late as the 1970s, yet still exists in modern society, depriving many mentally retarded persons of many opportunities which related to freedom of choice and self-governance.
Curley's hand was crushed because George
 encouraged Lennie to do so. This might've
been prevented if Lennie had a sense of self-determination.

     Familiar with the topic of self-determination yet? This all sounds too familiar, as this issue is widely represented in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Lennie Small is, and I'm not exaggerating, the perfect example of the lack of self-determination and it's limitations to the freedoms of life. Despite their obvious relationship, George still possesses a great deal of power over Lennie's actions. A great example in the novella occurs in section 3, specifically on page 63, when Curley is once again provoking Lennie. Despite Lennie's desire to refrain from fighting Curley, shown through his resistance and acceptance of Curley's blows, George orders Lennie to fight back. George Milton says multiple times, "Get him Lennie. Don't let him do it." Obviously unaware of Lennie's own opinions and desire to refrain from fighting, George is evidently depriving Lennie of freedom of choice, contributing to his lack of self-determination.
     The deprivation of a lack of self-determination of a mentally retarded person, as seen in Of Mice and Men, may present various issues which backfire as a result of this problem. Once again the interrelated conflicts seen in the story were the results of issues regarding the treatment towards mentally retarded persons, in this case a lack of self-determination. Curley's had may not have been crushed if Lennie had a sense of self-determination as this event occurred as a result of George compelling Lennie to commit this action. If Curley's hand was not broken by Lennie, he may not have been a major target of Curley's and Lennie's death may have been prevented.
    A lack of self-determination to those with mental retardation is just another one of the numerous deprivations, unfortunately challenged towards these persons. Since the 1970s there has been many movements towards the confrontation of lack of self-determination among those who are mentally retarded. Despite this fact, many mentally retarded citizens are continuously deprived the freedom of self-governance. Contribute to these movements which work towards providing equality, so that one day, the mentally retarded citizens may live a life of equality.

1 comment:

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