Thursday, 26 May 2011

Let's Change the World.

The Beast
  Poem by: James M.
Unlike in manner, contrast to good.
Compared to beast alike in heart
Whose sour actions actions set us apart.
That conjure scenes dark, disgusting.

Wander monster be lost and confused.
Ugly beast grey, slimy, does choose
Empty words born by retarded brain,
That stabs souls, what your purpose should be?

Linger no longer, let love be free.
Disappear villainous hate
Let light lavish let friendship exist.
Paint love, hope, when hate is banished.

A Word From the Poet
      Hate, seen through poor treatment of mentally retarded persons, is ever prevalent in our growing world. As I stated in my last post, there are many ramifications to these attitudes and actions. However, the opposite is also true. Love brings positive attitudes and actions like hope and care. So I say, now that you are generally educated on the issues Steinbeck presented in Of Mice and Men, and with the same issues that are reflected in society, take that knowledge and put it to work. Lets change the world for the better and encourage acts of love and care, as opposed to conflict causing attitudes like prejudice and alienation. Banish the monster known as hate. What I've been trying to do is now evident to you, so, "take the moment to step out of the water you're swimming in and take a look at it. Is it clear, or murky and polluted." (N. Freitas, 2011).  Thank you for reading my blog and stay tuned for more information.

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